Recruiting Volunteer Members for the Gallatin Conservation Advisory Council (CAC)

Recruiting Volunteer Members for the Gallatin Conservation Advisory Council (CAC)

 Do you care deeply about the environment and want to support your local community? Do you value the beautiful natural landscape of Gallatin and want to find ways to protect it? Then Gallatin’s CAC might the perfect volunteer opportunity for you.
The Town of Gallatin is recruiting interested members to volunteer with the CAC and support its multiple responsibilities. The CAC gathers information, develops guidance or recommendations, and/or assists with development projects, contributing their time, energy, and knowledge towards the betterment of Gallatin.
The CAC will be of great assistance in planning and implementing ways to protect our community’s natural resources such as our waterways and recreation spaces.
Additionally, Gallatin wants to do more with its Conservation Area (land management, trail maintenance, small building projects like picnic tables and a shelter) and we need expertise and time from members of our community.
If you are interested, please email [email protected] by September 10 with the following information. It can be brief, but we want to hear from you!
  • Name
  • Contact Information (Email and Phone Number)
  • Why you are interested in this volunteer opportunity

If there are multiple persons interested you may hear from one or all of the town board members to have a short conversation to get to know you better. We strive for our boards and committees to reflect the diverse range of experience and talents which make up Gallatin’s residents.

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