The Gallatin Ladies Guild, 234 Columbia County Route 7, Gallatin, NY is making the following home made soups for sale this Friday, Jan. 10th, 3:30-6:30 PM CHICKEN VEGETABLE LENTIL WITH HAM TURKEY MEATBALL (w/vegs. & noodles) Pre Order - 518-398-9462 Walk ins also Welcome Proceeds from the sale go towards maintaining the historic Gallatin … {...}
Open Burning Ban March 15-May 15
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation issues an annual open burn ban restriction to reduce wildfire risks in the Spring from March 15 to May 15.
All open burning is prohibited in New York with several exceptions including the following:
Campfires less than 3 feet in height and 4 feet in length, width or diameter are allowed.
Small cooking fires are allowed.
Fires cannot be left unattended and must be fully extinguished.
Only charcoal or clean, untreated or unpainted wood can be burned.
Ceremonial or celebratory bonfires are allowed.
In towns with a total population less than 20,000, you may burn tree limbs with attached leaves. The limbs must be
less than 6 inches in diameter and 8 feet in length (also referred to as brush). However, this is not allowed from March 15 through May 15 due to the increased risk of wildfires.
Open burning of household trash releases dangerous compounds including arsenic, carbon monoxide, benzene, styrene, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen cyanide, and dioxin, among others. Burning trash is prohibited in New York State at all times.
Burning leaves is also prohibited in New York State at all times. The NYS DEC encourages lawn care givers to compost Fall leaves.
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