Empire Pass Program The Town is always aware that our lack of a town center and accompanying recreations fields and/ or public pool may make it more difficult for our residents and their children to participate in town based outdoor activities. Therefore, we are always looking to expand our resident’s recreation opportunities while keeping too our rather modest budget. One … {...}
Upcoming Elections August 23, 2022 – Voter Information
Tuesday, August 23, 2022 – Polls are open 6:00am – 9:00 pm
TWO Elections will take place simultaneously on August 23:
SPECIAL ELECTION for Representative in U.S. Congress, 19th C.D.
ALL VOTERS registered in Columbia County are eligible to vote in the SPECIAL ELECTION. This is to fill the vacant Congressional seat in the 19th District for the remainder of calendar year 2022.
DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY for Representative in U.S. Congress, 19th C.D. Only voters enrolled in the DEMOCRATIC Party may vote in this PRIMARY ELECTION. This is to nominate the Democratic candidate who will be on the ballot for the November 8, 2022 General Election. The winner at the General Election will then serve in Congress for the 2023 – 2024 term.
There will be two ballots: enrolled Democrats will receive two ballots–one for the Special Election and one for the Primary Election. All other voters will receive a single ballot for the Special Election only.
There will also be Early Voting between August 13 and August 21, at 401 State Street in Hudson and Martin H. Glynn Municipal Building in Valatie.
Sample Ballot DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY AUG 23, 2022
Sample Ballot SPECIAL ELECTION AUG 23, 2022
ABSENTEE VOTING = Important changes to the law.
1) Deadlines for absentee applications are earlier, and
2) Voters who receive an absentee ballot are no longer allowed to vote on the voting machines on Election Day or at Early Voting. See below for more details of these important changes.
EARLY VOTING for the August 2022
Primary & Special Elections
For the 2022 August Primary election, you can vote in person before Election Day.
What is Early Voting?
In New York State, voters can vote in-person before Election Day at one or more voting sites in their county. Columbia County has two Early Voting sites—one in Hudson and one in Valatie. A voter may vote at either site, no matter where in the County the voter resides. All Early Voting sites are accessible to voters with physical disabilities.
Who can vote early?
All voters registered in Columbia County are eligible to vote in the Special Election and all voters registered in Columbia County enrolled in a party having a Primary.
When can I vote early?
Early Voting in New York State will begin prior to the August 23rd Primary & Special Elections and will be from Saturday, August 13th through Sunday, August 21st.
Columbia County Early Voting Hours:
Saturday, August 13: 9am – 5pm
Sunday, August 14: 9am – 5pm
Monday, August 15: Noon – 8pm
Tuesday, August 16: 9am – 5pm
Wednesday, August 17: Noon – 8pm
Thursday, August 18: 9am – 5pm
Friday, August 19: 9am – 5pm
Saturday, August 20: 9am – 5pm
Sunday, August 21: 9am – 5pm
Where can I vote early?
Columbia County has TWO Early Voting sites. A Columbia County registered voter can vote at either site, no matter where in the County the voter resides.
The early voting sites are located at:
401 State Street, Hudson, NY 12534 and at the
Martin H. Glynn Municipal Building, 3211 Church Street, Valatie, NY 12184.
How will I vote during early voting?
Voting during early voting is the same as voting on Election Day. When you get to the early voting site, you will check in to vote, receive your ballot, and vote as any other election.
There will be instructions available at the early voting sites to familiarize you with the ballot. There will also be a notice to voters and bill of rights. You may ask an election inspector to explain how to cast your ballot or request help if you need any assistance. If you vote during the Early Voting period, you are not eligible to vote on Election Day.
When will early voting results be posted?
Early voting votes will be canvassed and reported after 9:00 pm on Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022.
Can I still vote by absentee ballot?
Yes, if you expect to be out of Columbia County on Election Day; or if you are permanently or temporarily disabled, ill or are the primary caregiver for one or more people who are ill or physically disabled; or if you are a resident of a Veterans Hospital; if you are detained in jail awaiting Grand Jury action or incarcerated for an offense other than a felony. In any of these cases, you may apply for an absentee ballot.
How can I find out more about Early Voting?
You can contact the Columbia County Board of Elections at 518-828-3115 or www.columbiacountyny.com/elections, or the State Board of Elections at 518-474-1953, or www.elections.ny.gov.
A new law has been enacted by the State of New York that is a major change for voters who may want to vote by absentee ballot.
Beginning now (2022), a voter who has been issued* an absentee ballot MAY NOT CAST A BALLOT ON THE VOTING MACHINE, either at Early Voting or on Election Day.
( * Technically, it is the issuing of the absentee ballot by the Board of Elections to the voter that bars the voter from voting on the machine, but after ballots are printed–in mid-May for the Primary–ballots will be issued promptly upon receipt of the application, so submitting the absentee application will effectively bar the voter from voting on the machine.)
A voter who has been issued an absentee ballot IS permitted to vote by AFFIDAVIT ballot at Early Voting or on Election Day.
This is the case regardless of whether the voter actually returns the absentee ballot. It is the ISSUING of the absentee ballot that triggers this restriction, not the return of the absentee ballot itself.
The voter’s affidavit ballot will be counted if the Board of Elections has not received an absentee ballot from the voter and the voter is otherwise qualified. If, at the time the Board reviews affidavit ballots, the Board of Elections has received both an affidavit ballot and an absentee ballot from the voter, the absentee ballot will be counted and the affidavit ballot will not be.
In summary, once you submit an APPLICATION for an absentee ballot, you should plan to vote either by ABSENTEE ballot or by AFFIDAVIT ballot (if you go to Early Voting or to your Election Day polling place). Once an absentee ballot is issued to you, you may not cast your ballot on the voting machine.
Applications for absentee ballots that are submitted to the Board of Elections by mail or via the State portal must be received by the Board of Elections at least fifteen (15) days ahead of the election. This is
After this 15-day cutoff, only applications for absentee ballots that are PERSONALLY delivered to the Board of Elections can be accepted. Personally delivered applications for absentee ballots may be brought to the Board of Elections as late as the day before the election.
The Board, upon such personal delivery of the application, will then give the ballot to the voter or to the designated agent, but will not mail out a ballot.
Thank you.
Kelly Miller-Simmons Kenneth Dow
Republican Commissioner Democratic Commissioner
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