Positions Available on the Gallatin Planning Board, Board of Assessment Review and Conservation Advisory Council

The Town of Gallatin is seeking Town Residents that are interested in positions on the Planning Board, Board of Assessment Review and Conservation Advisory Council.

Please send letter of interest and contact information by February 11th to Gallatin Town Clerk- PO Box 67-Ancram, NY 12502 or email [email protected]

Planning Board Description and Duties

The Planning Board’s duties are approval of subdivision of land, site plan review & approval and granting of special permits. Refer to section 6.6, 6.7 & 6.8, of the Gallatin Zoning Law for a more in depth description of these duties & procedures .  Gallatin-Zoning-Law

A prospective member should read the Zoning Law & Subdivision Regulations Gallatin-Land-Subdivision-Regulations  to have an understanding of the laws governing these reviews and approvals. Planning Board meets once a month, on the 4th Monday of the month, 7:00pm at the Town Hall. Meetings typically run 1/2 hour to 2 hours depending on the agenda.      Planning Board members are compensated $40 per meeting. Four hours per year of continuing education are required for Planning Board members.

Board of Assessment Review (BAR) Description and Duties

The real property tax is an ad valorem tax (that is, a tax levied on the basis of value). A distinguishing characteristic of this tax is that it is not merely a mathematical calculation, but is based primarily upon expert opinion and judgment as to the value of property. In the first instance, it is the local assessor who determines the taxable value of real property. Taxpayers who feel their assessments are unequal, excessive or unlawful or that their property is misclassified, have a right to have their assessments reviewed administratively by the Board of Assessment Review, or, if necessary, by the courts. New York statues set forth the procedure to be followed by taxpayers who have a complaint about their real property assessments. The first step in the assessment review procedure is filing a timely written complaint with the board of assessment review. You, as a member of the board of assessment review, have been vested with the duty and responsibility of hearing assessment complaints in the first instance, and exercising your judgment and discretion to render an impartial, objective determination on complaints of assessments brought before you, including a statement of the reasons for the determination.

The BAR meets the forth Tuesday of May for 4 hours and reconvenes approximately 1 week later for 1-2 hours  depending on the number of cases(times to be determined by the BAR) .  There is one training session for all new board members.

Recruiting Volunteer Members for the Gallatin Conservation Advisory Council (CAC)

 Do you care deeply about the environment and want to support your local community? Do you value the beautiful natural landscape of Gallatin and want to find ways to protect it? Then Gallatin’s CAC might the perfect volunteer opportunity for you.
The Town of Gallatin is recruiting interested members to volunteer with the CAC and support its multiple responsibilities. The CAC gathers information, develops guidance or recommendations contributing their time, energy, and knowledge towards the betterment of Gallatin.
The CAC will be of great assistance in planning ways to protect our community’s natural resources such as our waterways and recreation spaces.
If you are interested, please email [email protected] by February 11, 2022 with the following information. It can be brief, but we want to hear from you!
  • Name
  • Contact Information (Email and Phone Number)
  • Why you are interested in this volunteer opportunity


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