News From Cornell Cooperative Extension

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Columbia and Greene Counties

Master Gardener Volunteers
Plant Sales
& Swap

Saturday May 6 (Rain or Shine)
Two Locations

While there is no admission fee, donations would be most welcome to help defray the cost of supplies and references materials used by the Master Gardener Volunteers to respond to horticultural inquiries from the public.

Plant Sale
Agroforestry Resource Center, 6055 Route 23, Acra, NY 12405
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
This location-plant sale only, no swap.

Vegetable and flower seedlings will be for sale to help you get an early start on the season. Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, Concolor Fir, Lilac, Canna Lilies, Hosta as well as plants too numerous to mention will also be for sale. pH tests will be performed so don’t forget to bring in your soil samples. The cost for soil testing is $2 for the first sample and $1 for each additional sample.

Master Gardener Volunteers will be on hand to give you tips on making your garden season more successful and there will be antique gardening books for sale. For further information about the Acra Spring Plant Sale, please call (518) 622-9820 x0.

Plant Sale and Swap
Extension Education Center, 479 Route 66, Hudson NY 12534
Time: 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Gardeners bringing plant material to swap at the Hudson Extension Education Center are encouraged to bring their own empty containers to carry home their found “treasures”. We ask that all plant material you bring to swap be clearly labeled with its name and color. Plant material usually found at the Swap include divided perennials, houseplants, various cuttings, clumps of ground covers, seed collected from annual and perennials and small trees and shrubs. If you have plant material you would like to donate but are unable to attend the event on May 6th, please drop it off at the Cornell Extension Education Center in Hudson during the prior week. There will also be Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, Concolor Fir, Red Maple, Black Cherry, Red Osier Dogwood, Viburnum and a host of other plants for sale at a very nominal price. If you live in an area with invasive worms, please do not bring plants with soil.

New this year: “How to make more plants for less”. Master Gardeners will be on hand to show you simple methods to multiply the plants that you already have. Some of the methods that will be shown are: Rooting plants in water, sand and soil and by grafting or bulb division.

New this year: How to recognize and eliminate invasive plants.

pH tests will be performed so don’t forget to bring in your soil samples. The cost for soil testing is $2 for the first sample and $1 for each additional sample. For more information about the Spring Plant Swap & Sale, please call (518) 828-3346 x100.

How to Hold a Successful Garage Sale

Date: Monday, May 8
Time: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $7.00 per person
Registration deadline: May 7
Registration online or call 518-828-3346 x100
Location: Extension Educator Center (Meeting Hall), Hudson
Presenter: Theresa Mayhew, Extension Resource Educator

Now that you’ve cleaned out your attic, basement, closets and cupboards, it’s time to hold that garage sale. If you’ve always wanted to hold a sale but weren’t sure how, this is the program for you. Topics to be covered include how to get started, when to hold a sale, how to select and price items to sell, how to display your items, advertising tips, where to post signs and staying safe during your sale. Ideas on how to dispose of unsold items will also be discussed.

Citizen Preparedness Training Program

Date: Thursday, May 11
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Cost: Free
Location: Agroforestry Resource Center, Acra
Registration deadline: May 10
Pre-registration required by calling 518-622-9820 x0

With severe weather events becoming more frequent and more extreme, it is more important than ever that New Yorkers are prepared for disasters. The NY Citizen Preparedness Training Program teaches residents to have the tools and resources to prepare for any type of disaster, respond accordingly and recover as quickly as possible to pre-disaster conditions. The training course will provide an introduction to responding to a natural or man-made disaster. Participants will be advised on how to properly prepare for any disaster, including developing a family emergency plan and stocking up on emergency supplies.


Date: Saturday, May 13
Time: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Cost: $25.00 per person
Location: Extension Education Center, Hudson
Registration deadline: May 10
Register online or call 518-828-3346 x100
Presenters: Tusha Yakovleva, Found Wild Foraging; Rob Handel, Executive Chef of Heather Ridge Farm; Tracey Testo, CCE Program Coordinator

Come explore the grounds at the Extension Education Center and learn about the value of woodlands and fields in a new way. Presenters Tusha Yakovleva, Rob Handel, and Tracey Testo will be your guides to discovering wild edibles in your surroundings. Participants will learn what is available on a seasonal basis as well as how to collect food without disturbing or endangering a plant population. Recommendations will also be given on how to safely collect food with the help of local resources and experts. Following the walk, we will move inside for a cooking lesson with Chef Rob where you will learn how to incorporate these wild foods into a meal. Locally foraged goods will be made available for samples and snacking during a Q and A to wrap up this fabulous day. Foraging is a great way to get to know your land as a resource for local foods, can be a wonderful family activity and comes with a greater understanding of our interactions with the natural world.

Agroforestry Resource Center and the Siuslaw Model Forest 10th Anniversary Celebration

Date: Friday, May 19
Time: 1:00-3:30 p.m.
Cost: Free but please let us know if you will be attending.
Location: Agroforestry Resource Center, Acra
Registration deadline: May 17
Register online or call 518-622-9820 x0

Ten years ago Cornell Cooperative Extension of Greene County embarked on a journey to provide a place where people could come and learn about trees and forests and see what good forest stewardship looks. Please join us as we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Agroforestry Resource Center and the Siuslaw Model Forest. We will be highlighting all our accomplishments and recognizing our amazing, wonderful partners.

Youth Air Rifle and Rifle Workshop

Date: Saturday, May 20 & Sunday, May 21
Time 1:00- 3:00 p.m.
Cost: $20.00 per participant
Location: To be determined (Columbia County or Greene County)
Registration deadline: May 16
Register online: or call 518-828-3346 x206

In May youth, ages 9 and up for air rifle and 12 and up for rifle, will have an exciting opportunity to be trained in safe, recreational rifle shooting. Participants will become comfortable with handling and firing a rifle over the course of this two-day training

Youth will train with instructors to understand the fundamentals of using either an air rifle or a rifle. Each instructor is trained in firearms safety as well as positive youth development. No prior experience is necessary but experienced shooters are also welcome.

Seed to Harvest Workshops

Location: Agroforestry Resource Center
Times: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost: Each class is $15.00 per person or you can attend three or more classes and pay $10.00 per class. An invitation to the HARVEST PARTY will go to all who attend any three workshops
Register online or call 518-622-9820 x0

Saturday, May 20—Planting out into the Garden. Learn the time to put seedlings into the prepared soil of the garden to insure the best, healthiest crops.

Saturday, June 3 — Guarding the Gardens. Learn about animal, disease and insect predators common in this area; identification, prevention and treatment methods will be discussed. Particular preference will be made to use methods safest for the environment.

Saturday, August 19 — Harvest. We will address the importance of correct harvest, considering sanitation and safety, as well as composting and mulching.

Saturday, September 16 — Preserving the Harvest. Ways to extend the food value into cold weather will be discussed, as well as freezing, drying, pickling and canning, in addition to talking about “root cellar” type storage.

Saturday, October 21 — Put The Garden to Bed. Learn about sanitation, clearing and preparation of the soil for the next season. Composting and crop rotation will be considered as well as discussion of overwintering crops. HARVEST PARTY to follow.

Ag Day

Date: Saturday, June 6
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Location: Columbia-Greene Community College, Hudson, NY

Visit with and get to know your farm neighbors and the businesses/organizations that support them. This is a family-friendly event offering lots of hands-on activities that will provide a window into the life of your neighbor farmers. Live farm animals plus food and farm product demonstrations will provide both fun and education. Help Cornell Cooperative Extension of Columbia and Greene Counties celebrate its centennial year AND Columbia-Greene Community College celebrate its 50th year!

For more information: Linda Tripp at 518-828-3346 x203 and or Dr. Joseph Watson at 518-828-4181 x3364 and

Open House

Date: Saturday, June 17
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Location: Extension Education Center, Hudson
All classes are free but pre-registration is required. Pre-register online or call 518-828-3346 x100 to register or for more information.

Join us for this Kick-Off event to celebrate National Pollinator Week. The Staff and Master Gardener Volunteers of Columbia and Greene Counties invite you to celebrate with a fun day of classes and activities. National Pollinator week is June 19–25 but we are so excited about this that we are starting early. This event is also one of several CCE events recognizing this centennial year of Cornell Cooperative Extension in Columbia and Greene counties.

Programs for children and adults (children must be accompanied by an adult)

10:00-11:00 a.m. – Learn how to build Native Bee Houses with Columbia Land Conservancy and 4-H (free, pre-registration required).

11:30 a.m. – Centennial pollinator tree planting with 4-H Teen Ambassadors.

12:00–1:00 p.m. – Hunt for the Great Catalpa Tree and other pollinator plants with CCE Natural Resources educators. Hand lenses will be supplied to identify tiny pollinators and beneficial insects (free, pre-registration required).

1:00–2:00 p.m. Join Master Gardener Volunteer Alexia in making wildflower seed balls to take home and plant (free, pre-registration required).
Adult Classes

10:00–11:00 a.m. – Join us for a presentation on “Attracting birds and butterflies with native plants” and then tour our gardens to see some of those plants (free, pre-registration required).

11.30 a.m.–12.30 p.m. – Learn how to make a container garden to attract pollinators and beneficial insects. If you are lucky, Sue will have some of her famous Rosemary Cookies for you to try. Tour our native plant garden and Monarch Waystation (free, pre-registration required).

Exhibits – Registrants are invited to view the wonderful exhibits set up by Cornell staff in the Meeting Hall. Exhibits (tables with information) are provided by Steve Hadcock, Theresa Mayhew, Master Gardener Volunteers and the 4-H program.

Safe Sitter Training for Adolescents
(for ages 11-14)

Date: Thursday, June 29
Time: 8:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $60.00 per participant
Location: Extension Education Center, Hudson
Registration deadline: June 23
Register online or call 518-828-3346 x100 to receive registration packet

The Safe Sitter Program gives young adolescents the skills to provide safe, nurturing care for children and to respond appropriately to medical emergencies. It also teaches introductory employment skills and important life skills. Topics that are covered include Babysitting as a Business; Success on the Job; Child Care Essentials; Safety for the Sitter; Injury Management; Preventing Problem Behavior; Care of Choking Infant and Care of Choking Child. Participants will also have hands-on mannequin practice of rescue skills and participate in small group interactive learning, role-playing and games to enhance the discussion topics.

Those wishing to participate should register early as there are limited spots. Registration IS NOT COMPLETE until fee is received. Register online and pay via credit card or send a check for the fee of $60 to Cornell Cooperative Extension, 479 Route 66, Hudson, NY 12534. Include the name, address, phone number and age of the participant. When the fee is received, a registration form and student contract will be sent to the participant to complete and bring to the session. The fee is all inclusive but the participants should bring a bag lunch and snacks.

Employment Opportunity

CCE of Columbia & Greene Counties is seeking full time qualified and experienced educator to serve as a the primary agriculture point of contact for the farmers in Columbia and Greene Counties to assist with program development, delivery, evaluation and administrative direction, management and coordination in the area of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Master Gardener program including working with volunteers. Work in conjunction with association staff, Regional Cornell Teams (i.e. Eastern New York Commercial Horticulture Program (“ENYCHP”), Capital Area Agriculture and Horticulture Program (“CAAHP”), local organizations, and partner agencies to provide resources.

Bachelor’s Degree in agriculture, animal or plant science or a related field plus 4 years transferrable relevant evidence based research experience (examples of the evidence-based research experience may be: research assistant involved in active research project, involvement in community-based research project, or involvement in the government (or NGO) research project). A Master’s Degree in agriculture, animal or plant science or a related field may substitute for a Bachelor’s degree plus 4 years evidence based research experience.

All applicants must apply online here Additional information regarding the position will also be found there. Application deadline is May 29, 2017

For more information on CCE Columbia and Greene Counties, visit our website
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Columbia and Greene Counties
Agroforestry Resource Center, 6055 Route 23, Acra, NY 12405
518.622.9820 (voice) 518.622.0115 (fax)
Extension Education Center, 479 Route 66, Hudson, NY 12534
518.828.3346 (voice) 518.828.3069 (fax)

Both offices are open Mondays through Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Cornell Cooperative Extension is an employer and educator recognized for valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and Individuals with Disabilities and provides equal program and employment opportunities.

As a token of appreciation to service members, CCE of Columbia and Greene Counties will provide a credit up to $25 towards the
cost of one workshop/program per year. This is available to active and retired military personnel. If you have special needs
related to program participation, please co

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