The Gallatin Ladies Guild, 234 Columbia County Route 7, Gallatin, NY is offering the following homemade soups for sale this Friday, Feb. 28th, 3:00-6:00 PM $9.00/Quart Creamy Hungarian Mushroom Soup Chili Beef Barley Ravioli Minestrone Pre Order – 518-398-9462 -Leave a Message. Walk ins also Welcome. Proceeds from the sale go towards maintaining the … {...}
May 10, 2020 Update
Columbia County Board of Health Update
As of 12:30 PM on May 10, 2020:
-Unfortunately, we have had our 20th community member pass away from COVID-19
-326 positive cases of COVID-19
-127 of the 326 cases have recovered from COVID-19
– 6 of the positive cases are hospitalized, 1 of those hospitalized are in the ICU
-We have received 2,408 test results completed for Columbia County residents
-182 residents are under mandatory quarantine and 14 under precautionary quarantine
Columbia County Update
FROM: Chairman Matt Murell
“When we are given the okay by the state, we want to be immediately prepared to open up the county for business. We are aggressively pursuing what we need to have in place when that day comes,” said Austerlitz Town Supervisor Rob Lagonia on Sunday.
Lagonia chairs a committee charged with this task composed of Columbia County Department of Health Director Jack Mabb, Hudson 1st Ward Supervisor Sarah Sterling, County Director of Human Resources Michaele WilliamsRiordan, County Clerk Holly Tanner, and County Director of Facilities Brian McDonald.
A poll put together by the committee designed to gain a full understanding of various needs will be going out to county department heads this week, Lagonia said.
In the meantime, a combination of disposable masks and cloth masks have been ordered to help meet the anticipated need. Further, Lagonia said, “We have infrared thermometers on order – they’ll be part of what we’ll need to have people safely return to work. We are also working on what signage we’ll need to have in place in county buildings.”
“Our plan is to establish countywide protocols that address all the issues that make for a safe environment for both county employees and those who use their services,” said Lagonia.
On Monday at 1 p.m., Columbia Comeback – the committee recently established by Chairman Murell comprising leaders from the local business and political world – will conduct its first meeting. The meeting is open to the public and can be accessed via a link on the Columbia Economic Development Corporation ( website.
“Columbia Comeback represents a significant step as local businesses prepare for opening,” said Chairman Murell. “Everyone recognizes the difficulties facing businesses as they attempt to get back on their feet – we hope that those looking forward to resuming business activities take advantage of this important resource.”
Monetary: Monetary donations intended for the purchase of coronavirus testing kits and much-needed equipment for emergency responders, medical personnel, and others on the front lines of the coronavirus fight are advised to send a check in care of Columbia County, with coronavirus noted in the memo field. The check be sent to the Columbia County Controller’s Office, 401 State Street, Hudson, NY 12534. All money received is being placed in a dedicated account.
PPE: Those wishing to make donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as N95 masks, face shields, and gowns, are advised to contact the Emergency Management Office at 518-828-1212. If no one answers, leave a message and someone will return the call.
Food: Donations should be directed to the county Office for the Aging (518-828-4258) and local food pantries.
Masks: Those interested in donating masks should contact Austerlitz Town Supervisor and county Health and Human Services Committee Chairman Rob Lagonia at [email protected]. “It doesn’t matter whether it’s five or 100, we need every one,” said Lagonia, who recommends that those wishing to help out with mask donations consult CDC guidelines at Currently, Ocean State Job Lot stores are offering free fabric for use in the construction of masks in a “Mask Fabric For Free” campaign. Visit any Ocean State location for the fabric, which is said to be of a high-quality cotton/polyester blend available in two sizes. Further information is available on the Ocean State Job Lot website. Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts is offering free mask kits. Those seeking to acquire a kit are advised to order online for curbside pickup. The Greenport store telephone number is 518-828-2621. Current store hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Family Assistance Network: As part of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, Columbia County Emergency Management has asked leaders in the human services and spiritual areas of our community for help, Director of Emergency Management David W. Harrison, Jr., said Saturday. The individuals were asked to form a Family Assistance Network to provide information to assist county residents who may be dealing with someone close to them who passed away as a result of the COVID-19 virus. Information on where someone can reach out for help is posted on various websites, including the Columbia County website and Emergency Management Facebook page. Hotline for Elderly and Vulnerable: Columbia County Sheriff David Bartlett has established a hotline for the elderly and vulnerable in our county, including those with medical conditions or are disabled, who would welcome a deputy checking on their well-being on a daily basis. The number for the hotline is 518-828-0601, extension 1400.
Columbia County Board of Supervisors Chairman Matt Murell continues to urge anyone migrating from outside Columbia County to self-quarantine for 14 days upon their arrival. “Everyone should consider they are a carrier of the coronavirus,” said Murell.
It is the county’s intention to issue accurate information regarding the coronavirus situation under conditions that can change by the minute. For the most up-to-date, accurate information, visit the County Department of Health’s website at or their Facebook page @: The state’s coronavirus website, with up-to-the-minute information, can be located at The county will issue a daily press release on the coronavirus situation every afternoon at 4. The releases can be found on the Columbia County website and the Facebook pages of the Sheriff’s Office, the Department of Health, and the Emergency Management Office.
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