March 25, 2022 Update

Columbia County Board of Supervisors
Chairman’s Press Release
March 25, 2022
COVID-19 cases
As of today, per the CDC, Columbia County’s rate of new COVID-19 cases remains in the low risk category. As of Wednesday, the CDC-reported current average of new daily cases per 100,000 of population currently stands at 6.7. The positive test rate is 5.2 percent.
Although New York State has lifted the mandate for mask wearing while inside a business, local health care officials continue to encourage the wearing of masks while indoors, particularly for those with health problems.
Additional information on daily COVID-19 cases and more can be found on the Columbia County Department of Health’s website at
Looking ahead
Despite a reported spike of 11 percent in COVID-19 cases in New York City in the last week, Columbia County appears to be holding steady, county Department of Health Director Jack Mabb said today.
“Last week, the county saw 45 cases in the five-day period of March 14-18. This week in the same Monday through Friday time frame we had 42 cases.” “We had a good couple of days in the middle of the week, five cases on Wednesday and only two Thursday, but we have 11 cases for Friday and it’s still early in the day. We’re keeping an eye on it,” Mabb added.
The good news is that we have only three people in the hospital and no one in the ICU, Mabb noted.
County vaccination and infection rates
As of Saturday, March 19, the Columbia County Department of Health had administered 11,278 first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Second doses now number 9,557. The vaccine administered is Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson. Note: J&J – a one dose vaccine – is added as a first shot. Third shots of Moderna or Pfizer now number 3,835. Johnson & Johnson boosters number 63. Pediatric first shots number 583, with 571 second shots.
The total number of Columbia County residents by all vaccine providers, as shown on the NYS COVID-19 vaccine tracker website: 45,331 have received at least one dose, or 75.7 percent of the county’s 59,916 population.
In the community
Between last Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Greene County Region NY13 Blue Star Mothers distributed 15 food baskets complete with a turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and dessert to veterans and widows of veterans, after being asked by Columbia County Veterans’ Service Agency Director Gary Flaherty to help out at holiday time.
“Thanks to The Blue Star Mothers support for The Dwyer Program and our County Veterans, we were able to provide food baskets for veterans, families and widows last holiday season. I look forward to working on similar projects in the future with the Blue Star Mothers,” said Director Flaherty.
First vice-president of the Greene County chapter of Blue Star Mothers, Karen Dudley, said, “We are an organization of moms with children in military service who support veterans – we do the mom thing with any vet we can get our mom hands on. Dudley said when Director Flaherty reached out, they were happy to jump in. “We hear about a need and we try to fill it,” said Dudley, who has a son in the Air Force.
We are attached to such organizations as the American Legion and the VFW. We would welcome Columbia County mothers to join in with us.” To contact the Greene County Region NY13 Blue Star Mothers, email [email protected], search the organization’s name on Facebook, or visit
Student testing, home testing and affirmation reports
Due to low response, the county DOH has discontinued the school COVID testing PODs. The DOH will continue to provide testing for students and staff of Columbia County schools who need a negative test to return to school. This will be by appointment only at the DOH Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:45- 3:30 p.m. Parents may contact (518) 828-3358 X1251 to schedule these appointments when needed. This testing will still only be for staff/students of Columbia County schools who need a negative COVID test to return to school.
Also available on the county DOH website is information on filing home testing reports as well as affirmation letters of quarantine and/or isolation that may be required by employers.
Upcoming DOH vaccination clinics
The Columbia County Department of Health is offering first, second, and third doses of COVID-19 vaccines as well as boosters for those aged 16 and above at Columbia-Greene Community College every Thursday in March from 3-5:30 p.m. The DOH will offer a pediatric (ages 5-11) Pfizer clinic at this clinic.
Those who are receiving boosters or subsequent doses of vaccine should bring their vaccine record card. Future clinics will be held on a walk-in basis – registration links will no longer be posted. Further information is posted on the county DOH website at
Disclaimer It is the county’s intention to issue accurate information regarding the coronavirus situation under conditions that can change by the minute. For the most up-to-date, accurate information, visit the County Department of Health’s website at or their Facebook page @: The state’s coronavirus website, with up-to-the-minute information, can be located at Every Friday afternoon, Columbia County Board of Supervisors Chairman Matt Murell will issue a press release on the coronavirus situation. The releases can be found on the Columbia County website and the Facebook pages of the Sheriff’s Office, the Department of Health, and the Emergency Management Office.

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