The Gallatin Ladies Guild, 234 Columbia County Route 7, Gallatin, NY is offering the following homemade soups for sale this Friday, Feb. 28th, 3:00-6:00 PM $9.00/Quart Creamy Hungarian Mushroom Soup Chili Beef Barley Ravioli Minestrone Pre Order – 518-398-9462 -Leave a Message. Walk ins also Welcome. Proceeds from the sale go towards maintaining the … {...}
Gallatin Spring Cleanup 2022
Gallatin Spring Cleanup 2022
Join with your neighbors to clear and blaze the new trail at the Gallatin Conservation Area and to clean up our beautiful roads in celebration of Earth Day 2022!
On Saturday, April 23rd, we are seeking volunteers to clear the new trail at the Gallatin Conservation Area. The next day, Sunday, April 24th, volunteer crews will be collecting rubbish on roads all over town. A list of roads has been created, but please feel free to add another if you wish.
Both days’ events begin at 9 am and will conclude by 1 pm.
Please sign up for one or both of the days and help spread the words to friends and neighbors!
If you need supplies (i.e., safety vests, large garbage bags, gloves, or handy trash picker sticks) for the road cleanup, you can get them at Gallatin Town Hall on Sunday from 8:30 am to 12 noon. It will be self-service. Please take only what you need and please return the vests and trash picker sticks.
We also need leadership! Please consider being a Road Team Captain. Connect up solo volunteers with the team or a buddy so everyone is safe and having fun. Tell us what section of road was done and where bags are left for Highway Department pick up.
Recruit neighbors and friends to join us! Spread the word!
Rain dates are Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st.
Thank you for any time you can give! Together we will show everyone that Gallatin truly is a “great little town.”
Organized by the Gallatin Conservation Advisory Council (CAC). Please feel free to contact the CAC with any questions or comments at [email protected].
Many thanks to Jung Min Lee for her support and to Tim McHenry and the Gallatin Residents Association for their guidance and funding of the supplies.
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