Time to enjoy being outside! WHY COOK? This Friday, March 14, 3-6 PM - Gallatin Community Church - 234 County Rte. 7, Gallatin, NY. The Ladies Guild is happy to offer the following soups. Tasty All Vegetable Soup Corn Chowder Chicken Vegetable Cabbage with an Attitude! $9.00/qt. All soups are home made and proceeds go towards the maintenance and preservation … {...}
Ellen’s Weekend Picks – Week of April 20 and beyond

Friday, April 20 through Sunday, April 22
Films at TSL
Held Over: The Rape of Recy Taylor; The Silence; Persona; Claire’s Camera; The Young Karl Marx; Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach
New This Week: Hour of the Wolf; Hitler vs. Picasso and the Others; November; Leaning Into the Wind: Andy Goldsworthy; The Death of Stalin
Schedule and tickets at 518-822-8448 or www.timeandspace.org – Time & Space Limited, 434 Columbia Street
Friday, April 20
The Progression Ensemble – Live music and discussion – The ensemble will be premiering six new works written for them by six different composers, two of whom will be present to discuss their new works—Dr.Michael Dilthey and Bjorn Bolstad Skjelbred will be flying in from Oslo, Norway to host the concert – Information and tickets at 518-822-8448 or www.timeandspace.org – 7 pm – Time & Space Limited, 434 Columbia Street
Friday-Sunday, April 20-22
The Actors’ Ensemble presents The Gun Show, a play by E.M. Lewis – Fri & Sat at 8 pm, Sun at 2 pm – Black Box Theater, PS21, 2980 Route 66, Chatham (one mile north of Chatham Village – Information at PS21chatham.org or 518-392-6121
The Wickers Creek Band is back and offers two chances to hear some superior bluegrass – Friday from 8 to 10 pm at the Philmont Pub, 12 Main Street (Route 217), Philmont; and Saturday from 10 am ‘til 12 noon at the Hudson Farmers’ Market, Hudson Lodge, Union & Sixth Streets, Hudson – For the spring schedule, go to www.wickerscreekband.com
Saturday, April 21
The Hudson Farmers’ Market can be found at its winter home at Hudson Lodge, Union, and Sixth Streets. It will be moving outdoors to the parking lot at Sixth and Columbia Streets next Saturday, April 28. This week the hours are 10 am to 1 pm – See below for next week’s listing.
The Chancellor’s Sheep & Wool Showcase – A family festival that celebrates historic fiber arts, culture, and craft. Over two dozen local vendors with brilliantly colored yarns, hand-woven scarves, etc. – Craft guilds will demonstrate spinning and weaving throughout the day. Herding and sheep shearing demonstrations, using three different historic techniques, form the centerpiece of the festival – Crafts for kids – 18th-century re-enactors, and live traditional music – Rain date is April 22 – Information at [email protected]g or 518-537-6622 – Clermont State Historic Site, 1 Clermont Avenue (off Route 9G)
The Metropolitan Opera Live in HD presents its production of Verdi’s Luisa Miller – Has not been seen at the Met since 2006 – Information and tickets at 518-822-8448 or www.timeandspace.org – Please note start time! – 12:30 pm – Time & Space Limited, 434 Columbia Street
Exhibition Opening – Flat Broke: Selected works by Stacy Petty – The show may be previewed on Friday, April 20 from 2 pm to 5 pm – The exhibition is co-curated by Tom McGill and Katherine Kim – It will remain on view through May 29 – Information at 518-303-6446 or visit gallery46greenstreetstudios.com – The reception offers art, refreshments and music from 5 pm to 8 pm – Gallery @ 46 Green Street, 46 Green Street
Upcoming Healthy Cooking Classes – Valley Variety is collaborating with health chef and nutritionist, Erika Laurion, and fermentation expert, Michelle Kaplan, on three cooking classes to inspire participants to cook delicious and healthy meals. – The first class—“Healthy Cooking Can Be Tasty Too” takes place this Saturday from 6:30 pm to 9 pm – “Fermentation 101” takes place on Wednesday, May 2, and “Gluten-Free & Flavor-Ful!” takes place on May 11 – For details on these classes or to reserve a spot, go to [email protected] or 518-828-0033
Almost Unplugged – an Evening of Acoustic Music presented by The Valatie Community Theatre – Two sets of acoustic music by some of the local area’s most talented singers, songwriters, and instrumentalists. Modeled after Nashville’s coffee house song circles, performers will take the stage furnished with living room furniture and lighting and take turns presenting their songs. – A cozy and intimate evening filled with a great variety of styles and genres. Scheduled performers include the following: Kurt Henry & Cheryl Lambert, The 45’s (Michael & Scott O’Leary) , Eric Margan, John Parsons, Rick & Marilyn (Rick Warren & Marilyn Miller) and The Harmony Grits (Richard Kopyscianski & Sue Sie) – Information at http://www.valatietheatre.org/ or call 518-281-1391 – 8 pm – Valatie Community Theater, 3031 Main Street, Valatie
Live Jazz at the Spotty – The Quartet: Otto Hauser, drums; Stuart Quimby, multi-instrumentalist; Mark Dziuba, guitar; and Terence Murren, bass, and guitar – Information at 518-671-6006 or www.thespottydog.com – 8 pm – Spotty Dog Books & Ale, 440 Warren Street
Power Dance with Rachel Noon + SVB – Get ready for Throw Down – Visuals by Logan Visscher – Information at thehalfmoonhudson.com or call 518-828-1562 – 10 pm – The Half Moon – 48 South Front Street
Sunday, April 22
Earth Day Rally – A rally to protest the fences Amtrak is proposing to erect along the river to keep trespassers out of its right of way and at the same time limiting access to the river. The proposal, being made in the interest of public safety, would affect not only Germantown but Rhinebeck, Rhinecliff, Tivoli, Stockport, and Stuyvesant as well. 12 noon to 2 pm – Ernest R. Lasher Memorial Park, at the end of Anchorage Road, Germantown
The launch of the TSL Book Space, managed by Karen Schoemer and assisted by Lucas Miller – A reading from The Luck of Friendship: The Letters of Tennessee Williams
and James Laughlin which chronicles the unlikely, yet enduring, literary and personal relationship between the celebrated playwright and the founder of New Directions,
which serves to this day as Williams’s publisher – Join the book’s editors—Peggy L. Fox, former president and publisher of New Directions and Tennessee Williams’ last
editor, and Thomas Keith, a consulting editor for New Directions, for a discussion, moderated by Kevin Sessums, former executive editor of Interview and contributing
Editor of Vanity Fair. – Free and open to the public – Information at 518-822-8448 or www.timeandspace.org – 1 pm – Time & Space Limited, 434 Columbia Street
Concerts in the Village presents the final concert of its 2017-18 season – The season concludes with a performance of Franz Schubert’s remarkable song cycle, Winterreise, performed by tenor Jon Morrell and pianist David Smith. Schubert’s haunting Winterreise (Winter Journey) of 1827, is regarded by many as the most important and challenging song cycle ever written. In Schubert’s intense sequence of songs, performers and listeners alike experience an unforgettable succession of wildly varying emotions, a truly memorable passage through maturity. The concert will be without intermission and conclude about 4:15 pm – Reception to follow – Reservations and information at concertsinthevillage.org – Donation is welcome, but optional – Students admitted free – 3 pm – Van Buren Hall, (lift available to 2nd floor) 6 Chatham Street (US Route 9), Kinderhook
16th Annual International Community Dinner – Traditional cuisine potluck, music, and dancing – A wonderful family event and a great way to get to know your neighbors! Bring a dish to share (or make a cash donation at the door.) Information at http://tinyurl.com/kgzq5n3 or call 518-929-1726– 5 to 8 pm – Hudson Lodge, 601 Union Street (at Union and Sixth Streets)
Next Tuesday, April 24
Helsinki Open Mic – Try out new material on the big Helsinki stage – Hosted by Cameron Melville and Ryder Cooley – Information at 518-828-4800 or helsinkihudson.com – Sign-up begins at 6:30 pm – Performance from 7 to 10 pm – Club Helsinki, 405 Columbia Street (Call ahead to confirm!)
Spotty Dog Trivia Night – Spotty’s bi-weekly all-nerd throwdown – Information at 518-671-6006 or www.thespottydog.com – 6:30 pm – Spotty Dog Books & Ale, 440 Warren Street
Next Thursday, April 26
The History and Work of Preserving the Jan Van Hoesen House – A presentation by Ed Klingler, co-founder of the Van Hoesen House Historical Foundation and a builder specializing in accurate historic restorations for over forty years – The house is a distinctive Dutch colonial house on Route 66 that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places by the U.S. Department of the Interior – Q&A and refreshments will follow the presentation.- Donations to the Foundation can be made at this event. Information at 518-828-1792 x101 or send email to[email protected] – 6 pm – Hudson Area Library, 51 North Fifth Street (corner of State Street)
Vico Restaurant & Bar is hosting a Tasting Dinner with Hudson-Chatham Winery—a four-course dinner paired with HCW’s wines – Further information and reservations at http://vicorestaurant.com/hudson-chatham-winery-dinner – 7 pm – Vico Restaurant & Bar, 136 Warren Street
Dining Out for Life – The 15th annual fundraiser for the Alliance for Positive Health (formerly the AIDS Council of Northeastern New York) –Participating restaurants in Hudson–Baba Louie’s, Ca’Mea Ristorante, Mexican Radio, and Red Dot Restaurant & Bar––will donate a percentage of the price of your meal to the Alliance to help people in the region who are living with HIV/AIDS – The donation applies to both lunch and/or dinner, for those restaurants that are open for lunch – Local ambassadors will greet you at the restaurant and give you a chance to enter a drawing for a pair of JetBlue round trip airline tickets – For contact information for participating restaurants visit www.allianceforpositivehealth.org – Reservations are necessary!
Next Friday, April 27
Jarrod Lawson –Singer-keyboardist Jarrod Lawson blends blue-eyed soul and smooth jazz in a manner that should appeal to fans of Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Donny Hathaway, Average White Band, Steely Dan, and other smooth and contemporary jazz artists. In the tradition of Gaye and Wonder, Lawson writes and plays a socially conscious style of music with one foot planted firmly in R&B/soul and the other in jazz. – Information at 518-828-4800 or helsinkihudson.com – 9 pm – Club Helsinki, 405 Columbia Street
Next Friday & Saturday, April 27 -28
Thomas Cole National Historic Site opens a new exhibition—Picturesque & Sublime: Thomas Cole’s Trans-Atlantic Inheritance
Members’ Preview Days are Friday and Saturday from 11 am to 2 pm in Thomas Cole’s New Studio
Opening Reception is Saturday from 4 to 6 pm at the Thomas Cole Site
The exhibition’s official opening is May 1 – The exhibition runs through November 4 – The exhibition was created in collaboration with the Yale Center for British Art and Members of the Yale History of Art Department – It complements the Thomas Cole exhibition now on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Information at thomascole.org/events – Thomas Cole National Historic Site, 218 Spring Street, Catskill
Jamal Jackson Dance Company presents “Rob Day” and other works – Fri & Sat at 8 pm – Black Box Theater, PS21, 2980 Route 66, Chatham (one mile north of Chatham Village) – Information at PS21chatham.org or 518-392-6121
Next Saturday, April 28
Columbia County Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day – For information on what will be collected, go to the Columbia County website – Collection from 8 am to 12 noon at Columbia County Highway Garage, 178 Route 23B, Greenport
It must be spring! The Hudson Farmers’ Market moves outside on Saturday, April 28 to its usual summer location in the parking lot at the corner of Sixth Street and Columbia Street, where it will remain until November 17 – Several new vendors will be there including Billy’s Italian Market. Billy will be selling his excellent line of tomato sauces. He is moving outside from his deli/café’s indoor spot at Columbia Street at Park Place. You will find the familiar group of vendors selling prepared foods, bread, cookies, spring greens, spring flowers, eggs, meats and cheeses, and more – Information at hudsonfarmersmarketny.com –EBT and WIC are accepted by all qualified vendors – Open from 9 am to 1 pm – Corner of Sixth & Columbia Streets
Oakdale Lake Community Cleanup – Information at 518-610-1160 – 1 pm to 4 pm – Oakdale Lake, 53-99 North Sixth Street, Hudson
Portrait of an Artist: A Special Evening with Linda Lavin & Steve Bakunas – This event features Ms. Lavin and Mr. Bakunas in a 90-minute intimate evening during which she answers questions about her life and career, posed by her painter husband, while he paints her portrait on stage. The portrait will be raffled off at the end of the evening. This is a benefit performance for The Campaign for the Spencertown Academy Arts Center – Performance is followed by a cocktail reception – Information and tickets at [email protected] or 518-392-3693 – 5 pm – Spencertown Academy Arts Center, 790 Route 203, Spencertown
Exhibition opening – Remnant: Constructions by Erin Walrath – On view through May 20 – Information at [email protected] or 518-828-5907 – Reception from 6 to 8 pm – John Davis Gallery, 362 ½ Warren Street
Seraph Brass / A Devilishly Delightful Quintet in concert presented by Classics on Hudson and Hudson Hall – The quintet features two trumpets, one horn, one trombone, and one tuba played by some of America’s top female brass players – Information and tickets at 518-822-1438 or go towww.hudsonhall.org – 7 pm – Hudson Hall, at Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren Street
Jim Gaudet and the Railroad Boys will be playing music that is a cross between bluegrass, Americana, and roots music. Listen atwww.jimgaudet.com – Pay at the door – 7:30 pm – Valatie Community Theatre, 3031 Main Street, Valatie
Wreckless Eric – “Much loved and often underestimated…He won’t recreate 1978 for you, he’ll blow your mind instead.” – Information at 518-671-6006 or www.thespottydog.com – 8 pm – Spotty Dog Books & Ale, 440 Warren Street
The Steel Wheels – The Wheels quartet, which hails from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, features an old-time blend of acoustic fiddle, guitar, bass, and mandolin and four-part vocal harmonies sung into a single microphone, updated with a modern soul and spirit – Fans of Mumford and Sons, the Avett Brothers, and Old Crow Medicine will appreciate the group’s delicate straddling of the fine line between traditional and modern. – Information at 518-828-4800 or helsinkihudson.com – 9 pm – Club Helsinki, 405 Columbia Street
Next Saturday-Sunday, April 28-29
Auction at Stair Galleries – The April Fine Sale: Furniture, Fine Art & Objects – Information, online catalog, a list of shipping firms, etc. on the website at www.stairgalleries.com – Information at 518-751-1000 – Preview starts at 9 am each day, Auction starts at 11 am each day – Stair Galleries, 549 Warren Street–
24-HOUR DRONE: EXPERIMENTS IN SOUND AND MUSIC Presented by Basilica Hudson and Le Guess Who? (from Utrecht, Netherlands) – See website for announcement of artists included in the performance – Information and tickets at basilicahudson.org – Capacity is limited and advance purchase is advised – 12 noon Saturday to 12 noon Sunday – Basilica Hudson, 110 South Front Street
Next Sunday, April 29
Women at the Wheel – Plays in Progress (PIP), a group of playwrights and theatre performers that holds its monthly meetings at the Opera House, presents a series of staged readings of the best short plays of the year written, directed and performed by Plays in Progress. The performance is a benefit for Hudson Hall – Women at the Wheel features the theme of women struggling for control. Come watch the escapades of a frustrated tax collector, cautious middle-aged romance-seekers, seniors protecting or refusing to leave their residence, a vengeful terrorist, and a cheap songstress directing a theatre riot. – All proceeds benefit Hudson Hall.- Tickets and information at www.hudsonhall.org or 518-822-1438 – 3 pm – Hudson Hall, Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren Street
Take Me Out to the Ball Game! – Renowned musician and Hudson resident Tommy Stinson, best known for his work with The Replacements, Guns ‘N’ Roses, and Bash & Pop, has organized Safe At Home—A double-header benefit for the Hudson Little League. Two events are planned—on Saturday, May 5 at Hudson Brewing Company, and Saturday, May 12 at Club Helsinki. Both events will include a plethora of national and regional musicians, with all proceeds benefitting the Hudson Little League Association, a 501C (3) organization.
Saturday, May 5 – 12 noon – Hudson Brewing Company, 99 South Third Street – The line-up includes: Cowboys in the Campfire (Stinson and Chip Roberts), Elvis Perkins, Brian Dewan, Chops & Sauerkraut, Magic Stones, Rebecca Borrer, and special guests. Attendees must be 21 or older unless accompanied by an adult – Suggested donation at the door – For further information call 518-610-4091 or visithttps://www.hudsonbrew.com/
Saturday, May 12 — 5:00 pm – Club Helsinki, 405 Columbia Street – The line-up includes: Alejandro Escovedo, Elvis Perkins, Bash & Pop, Jesse Malin, and special guests. There will be a silent auction with local wares, artworks, and music memorabilia. Attendees must be 21 or older unless accompanied by an adult – Suggested donation at the door.- Higher donation for reserved seating – Tickets may be purchased in advance to secure entrance, via Ticketfly – For further information call 518-828-4800 or visit https://helsinkihudson.com/
The Hudson Little League President Mike Pizza comments: “With the 2018 season upon us, we hope to raise $20,000, with approximately $10,000 of those funds being directed to the purchase of a new Zero Turn mower and push mower for field maintenance. The remainder of the funds raised will be used to pay bills such as electricity…our field being the only one in Columbia County with field lights….umpires, baseballs, and bats, plus the ability to stock our concession stand. Our 11 volunteer board members are extremely active within the league and often use the out-of-pocket money to help meet expenses. The Hudson Little League is completely not-for-profit, so we rely solely on private support to maintain our program.’’ Hudson Little League aligns itself fully with the rules, regulations, and policies of Little League Baseball.
> For further information visit www.tommystinson.com
Christie Scheele: Atlas/Hudson River Valley – A walk through the Hudson River Valley’s open spaces from Albany south to Manhattan – On view through May 6 – Information at www.thompsongirouxgallery.com or call 518-392-3336 – Thompson Giroux Gallery, 57 Main Street, Chatham
Peculiar Rarities – “For over 27 years, Carrie Haddad Gallery has prided itself on exhibiting some of the finest artworks in the Hudson Valley, from breathtaking Hudson River School-style landscapes to intense and unforgettable abstract-expressionist works. Now, its time for something a little different…. Peculiar Rarities is exactly what it sounds like. The exhibition includes media from porcelain to Play-Doh and subject matter that includes icebergs, Victorian steampunk characters, conniving housewives, and Judy Garland. From the moment you walk through the door, each space will house its own experience: here, spectral and Seuss-like; there, off-kilter and gritty, all of it richly blending beauty with provocation….” Twelve artists are showing their work in this exhibition. – On view through June 10 – Information at[email protected] or 518-828-1915 – Carrie Haddad Gallery, 622 Warren Street
Bash Bish Falls – Produced by and first shown at Roeliff Jansen Historical Society.. The exhibit celebrates the rich history of the Falls—one of New England’s tallest and most dramatic waterfalls. Bash Bish has been the Roe Jan region’s single biggest attraction for more than 150 years. The exhibit presents the geology of the falls, early Native American mythology, the artists associated with the Hudson River School of Art who painted the falls, several commercial enterprises, and the efforts to preserve and protect this spectacular cascade. In addition, there is a related video installation at the History Room of the library and anyone who wishes to have their images of Bash Bish included in the installation can send them to [email protected] The exhibit was originally curated by Greg Keffer and Darin Johnson. – On view through April 30 – Information at http://hudsonarealibrary.org or call 518-828-1792 x 101 – Hudson Area Library, 51 North Fifth Street (corner of State Street)
Stephanie Bernheim: Pixels and Particulates – Using glass windows, Pine Plains oilcloth, simple mechanical devices, printers and camera phones, and even discarded awnings from Sausbier’s in Hudson, Stephanie Bernheim has for many years explored the limits of common materials and simple mechanical devices through her work. In Pixels and Particulates, Bernheim uses her PalmPilot as her sketchbook. In it, she draws on complex photographs to try to capture today’s accelerated frenzy of seeing and responding to images. In addition, her Tower of Tires Project will be on view – On view through May 13 – Information at 518-822-1438 – Hudson Hall, Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren Street
LINE AND CURVE: The Ellsworth Kelly and Jack Shear Shaker Collection from the Shaker Museum/Mount Lebanon with prints by Ellsworth Kelly – Generously donated to the Museum in 2016, the Shaker objects provide an overview of Shaker design and aesthetics. Featured is Kelly’s worktable, purchased in 1970 near Kelly’s home in Columbia County and used throughout his life – A rare oval box is reminiscent of shapes that can be found in Kelly’s prints, as are the simple lines of a three-drawer chest and the curved slats of a chair. The juxtaposition of the curved and the straight is a hallmark of Kelly’s work – On view through May 13 – Jeff Bailey Gallery, 127 Warren Street
John Lees: Drawings – On view through April 22 – Information at 518-828-5907 or www.johndavisgallery.com – John Davis Gallery, 362 ½ Warren Street
SIT-IN – The exhibition is described by the curator, Kristen Dodge, as “a collective look at the split behavior of a familiar form.” She goes on to say, “In an interrogation room, two chairs face each other across a desk. At the birthday party, the guest of honor sits at the head of the table. In the museum, seating is placed at regular intervals for rest. At the principal’s office, the student is instructed to ‘sit down.’ Beside a comedian stands a tall, empty stool. At an auction, everyone sits, save the auctioneer. – A seat is a frame and a proposition. A person sitting either subscribes to or rejects suggestion; their body gives in to the framework, or contradicts it: settles into an armrest or sits forward, lounges on a chaise or perches on edge….” The exhibition includes work by 18 women artists – On view through May 20 – Information at septembergallery.com or call 518-822-1333 – September Gallery, 449 Warren Street #3
Orchid Homunculus: Photography by H. David Stein – Also exhibiting recent work by gallery artists – On view through April 29 – Information at 518-822-0510 or go to www.510warrenstreetgallery.com – 510 Warren Street Gallery, 510 Warren Street
Memories of Childhood – Two solo exhibitions and a portfolio showcase—all on the theme of “memories of childhood.” — Solo Exhibitions:21 Magnolia Rd.: Kev Filmore, photography and mixed media and Orchard Trail: Michal Greenboim, photography – diptychs ; Portfolio Showcase:Memories of Childhood: Flynn Larsen, photography and Memories of Childhood by the Sea: Leslie Jean-Bart, photography – diptychs – On view through May 6 – Information at 518-567-4056 or by email to [email protected] – DavisOrton Gallery, 114 Warren Street
Neoteric Abstract – Works by twenty-one abstract artists – Featuring “lyrical, expressive, precise, and emotionally raw works of art including photography, sculpture, painting, and varied media.” On view through May 20 – Information at 518-828-2343 or www.slowart.com/limner –Limner Gallery, 123 Warren
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