Empire Pass Program The Town is always aware that our lack of a town center and accompanying recreations fields and/ or public pool may make it more difficult for our residents and their children to participate in town based outdoor activities. Therefore, we are always looking to expand our resident’s recreation opportunities while keeping too our rather modest budget. One … {...}
Correction – Planning Board Meeting 9/26/22
September 26, 2022 7:00PM
1. Sara Nesbit for Sketch Plan Approval for a 2-lot subdivision of her property on Decker Road
2. Straw Weisman for Sketch Plan Approval for a 2-lot subdivision of property at 198 Sigler Road
3. Review of application for Site Plan Approval & Special Permit for free-standing solar array on the Hough property at 49 Elsohn Road
4. David Dods to discuss 169 Near Road
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