February 25, 2022 Update

012622 Columbia County Logo

Friday, February 25, 2022 Chairman’s press release DAILY POSITIVE TEST RATE DOWN TO 2.7% COVID-19 cases As of Thursday, Columbia County’s rate of new COVID-19 cases continued in the high category, although the current average of new daily cases per 100,000 of population stands at 14.6, compared to 23 per day last week. The positive test rate is 2.7 percent. Although New York State has … {Read more...}

Columbia County Summer Youth Employment Program

012622 Columbia County Logo

Columbia County Summer Youth Employment Program The Town of Gallatin can nominate one college-attending student from the Town to a summer job with Columbia County paying $13.50/hr. If you are interested in this opportunity or know someone who might be, please contact [email protected]. Nominees need to:          Be between the ages of 18 – 24           Be a resident of the County … {Read more...}

February 18, 2022 Update

012622 Columbia County Logo

Feb 18, 2022 Chairman’s press release                                                               NEW CASES CONTINUE DOWNWARD TREND COVID-19 cases As of Thursday, Columbia County’s rate of new COVID-19 cases had dropped to the high category from very high last week. The current average of new daily cases per 100,000 of population stands at 23, compared to 33 per day last week. The … {Read more...}