July Happenings in Columbia County


Independence Day Fireworks Saturday, July 2, 4-11pm Independence Day celebration featuring food, music, vendors, and fireworks. Rain date: July 3 Palatine Park, 50 Palatine Park Road, Germantown DETAILS 44-Lap Bryan Goewey Modified Memorial Event and Massive Fireworks Display Saturday, July 2, 6pm Join us for the $10k to win 44-lap Bryan Goewey Modified Memorial event with the annual … {Read more...}

July 1, 2022 Update


Chairman’s press release JUNE NUMBERS DOWN 50% FROM MAY As of Wednesday, per the CDC, Columbia County’s rate of new COVID-19 cases remains in the low risk category. Also as of Wednesday, the CDC-reported current average of new daily cases per 100,000 of population stood at 11.1. The positive test rate is 5.4 percent. “June ended with half the positive COVID-19 cases of May, even as the numbers … {Read more...}

Planning Board Meeting June 27, 2022


Planning Board Meeting June 27, 2022 - 7:00 PM Agenda A Public Hearing will be held for Site Plan Review and Special Use Permit for Ivone Ribiero to build a 1920 sq. ft. private garage on her property at 169 Near Road, tax parcel 211.-2-27. The Board will review a plan to provide free standing solar array on the property of Benjamin Stark, 108 Decker Road, tax parcel 195.-1-58. Ribiero … {Read more...}