
Agenda TOWN OF GALLATIN PLANNING BOARD Meeting, October 24, 2022 Public hearing for Sara Nesbitt’s 2-lot subdivision on Decker Road. Public hearing for Site Plan Approval & Special Permit for free-standing solar array on the Hough property at 49 Elsohn Road. Straw Weisman to review a lot line adjustment of between his properties at 198 Sigler Road. Gallatin Public … {Read more...}

GALLATIN TOWN WIDE FALL CLEAN-UP Saturday, November 5, 2022 8AM-12PM


GALLATIN TOWN WIDE FALL CLEAN-UP Saturday, November 5, 2022 8AM-12PM Dear Gallatin Residents, The Town of Gallatin will be providing dumpsters at the Gallatin Highway Garage at the intersection of County Rtes. 8 & 11 between the hours 8AM-12 PM for the disposal of household items. This service is for Gallatin residents only, proof of residency is required. A card has been mailed to all … {Read more...}

Public Hearing 2023 Town of Gallatin Budget


Public Notice Town of Gallatin Notice of Public Hearing on Preliminary Budget Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget for the Town of Gallatin for the fiscal year beginning January 2023 has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it is available for inspection during regular Town Clerk hours. Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board will hold a public … {Read more...}

CAC Meeting 10/11/22 & Workshop 10/9/22 Heat Pumps


CAC agenda for 10/11 at 7pm at Gallatin Town Hall -Revisit possibility of town support of referendum in support of climate scoping plan -Outcome of Town Board meeting discussion of CAC budget and Climate Smart Community presentation and discussion -Recruiting new CAC members -CAC website -Gallatin Conservation Area grant submission  -Select and plan one or more community education and … {Read more...}