Town of Gallatin Assessment Roll and Grievance Information


Town of Gallatin Assessment Roll and Grievance Information Pursuant to Sections 506 and 526 of the Real Property Law: Notice is hereby given that the Tentative Assessment Roll for the Town of Gallatin is completed, and a copy thereof is available at the Gallatin Town Hall until May 22th. Notice is hereby given that the Assessor will be in attendance with the Tentative Assessment Roll for … {Read more...}

Empire Passes for Residents


Dear Gallatin Residents, The Town is always aware that our lack of a town center and  accompanying recreations fields and/ or public pool may make it more difficult for our residents and their children to participate in town based outdoor activities. Therefore, we are always looking to expand our resident’s recreation opportunities while keeping too our rather modest budget. One of the … {Read more...}

Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing May 9, 2023


TOWN OF GALLATIN    PUBLIC HEARING The Public is hereby notified that the Town of Gallatin Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a PUBLIC HEARING- May 9, 2023 at the Town Hall-6:30 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to review the application, supporting documentation and possibly make a decision on the application submitted to the Board by the following: Rivera 1691 Jackson Corners Rd. Red … {Read more...}