Gallatinville Good Vibes Flea Market – Oct 8-9


The next Gallatinville Good Vibes Flea Market will take place Columbus Day weekend, Saturday and Sunday, October 8th and 9th. The indoor/outdoor flea market of vintage goods is being held in Gallatinville on county Route 7 on the corner of Mill Hill Rd.  Look for the barn with the open sign in the center of Gallatinville.  See event flyer.  You have things to sell - bring them … {Read more...}

ZEPHYR TEACHOUT and JOHN FASO to speak at Gallatin Town Hall


The 19th Congressional District of New York will hold an election for the U.S. House of Representatives on November 8, 2016. New York's 19th Congressional District is a battleground district in 2016. Incumbent Chris Gibson (R), who began serving in Congress in 2011, chose not to seek re-election in 2016, leaving the seat open. Zephyr Teachout (D) and John Faso (R) are competing to replace him in … {Read more...}

Ellen’s Weekend Picks: Week of October 6 and Beyond


All phone numbers are in area code 518 unless otherwise indicated.  All addresses are in Hudson unless otherwise indicated.   Of  Note Several events this week give new meaning to the word “recycling.”  At Verdigris teashop, Ruby Silvious uses used tea bags as her canvas.  At the Hudson Opera House, Zoe Bellot turns vintage pianos into useful piano bars. Month of October  The Warren … {Read more...}

Columbia County Broadband Newsletter

CC Broadband

The Inaugural Issue Columbia County Broadband  is a monthly CEDC e-publication focused on the Columbia County Board of Supervisor's Countywide Broadband Initiative, along with local, regional and state broadband information and resources.   CEDC Appointed to Coordinate Broadband. Columbia County Board of Supervisors Chairman Matt Murell has appointed Columbia Economic Development Corporation … {Read more...}