April 3, 2020 Update


Friday, April 3, 2020 From: Columbia County Board of Supervisors Chairman Matt Murell SHERIFF ANNOUNCES NEW HOTLINE On Friday, Columbia County Sheriff David Bartlett announced he had established a new hotline for “the elderly and vulnerable in our county, including those with medical conditions or are disabled,” who would welcome a deputy checking on their well-being on a daily … {Read more...}

Hand Sanitizer/Food Pantry


The Town has hand sanitizer for you to refill your supply. There will be a pump bottle outside the Gallatin Town Hall from 9-2 Monday and Friday and 9-12 on Saturday.  Please limit the amount that you take, so there is enough for all that need it. The temporary food pantry at the Town Hall is well supplied.  If you or anyone you know are in need of groceries please let us know and we will leave … {Read more...}

2020 Census


Today is Census Day! Many households in Columbia County may not have received any Census mailings. Nearly every Town has areas designated by the US Census Bureau as "Update Leave", where Census takers deliver a census form to the housing unit.  Because of the COVID-19, these field operations have been suspended and delayed. Please encourage all to respond either online or by … {Read more...}

4/1/2020 Columbia County Dept of Health Update


Columbia County Dept of Health As of 3:30 pm, April 1, 2020, Columbia County has confirmed 45 positive cases of COVID-19. Seven of the positive cases are hospitalized, four of those are in the ICU. We have received 387 test results completed for Columbia County residents. There are 59 under mandatory quarantine and 20 under precautionary quarantine. There are 9 residents with … {Read more...}

3/31/20 Columbia County COVID-19 Update


As of 2:30 pm, March 31, 2020, Columbia County has 39 positive cases of COVID-19.Six of the positive cases are hospitalized, four of those are in the ICU. We have received 366 test results completed for Columbia County residents. There are 70 under mandatory quarantine and 20 under precautionary quarantine. There are 10 residents with suspected, not tested cases. It may be confusing to … {Read more...}