From The Supervisors Desk


Hello and Happy May - here in lightly frosted Gallatin. I have a few items to catch up on. 1. Food Pantry- Thank you for continued recent contributions- more came in just today. We are now relatively fully restocked for a third time so we will let you know if we need more in the coming weeks. Deliveries went out today and please tell us if anyone is in need the further we go along in this … {Read more...}

May 8, 2020 Update


Columbia County Department of Health Update Below you can find the breakdown of confirmed, positive cases of COVID-19 in Columbia County. We will be sharing this information each Friday afternoon going forward.PLEASE continue to practice social distancing. By learning the towns of positive cases we don’t want anyone to feel a sense of false confidence that the virus is not in their … {Read more...}

May 7, 2020 Update


Columbia County Board of Health Update As of 3 PM on May 7, 2020: - We are sad to report that we have had a 17th Columbia County Resident that have passed away from COVID-19 -317 positive cases of COVID-19 -117 of the 317 cases have recovered from COVID-19 - 8 of the positive cases are hospitalized, 4 of those hospitalized are in the ICU -We have received 1,987 test results completed for … {Read more...}

May 6, 2020 Update


Columbia County Department of Health Update As of 3 PM on May 6, 2020: - We have 16 Columbia County Residents that have passed away from COVID-19 -305 positive cases of COVID-19 -113 of the 305 cases have recovered from COVID-19 - 11 of the positive cases are hospitalized, 4 of those hospitalized are in the ICU -We have received 1,878 test results completed for Columbia County … {Read more...}

May 5, 2020 Update


Columbia County Department of Health Update As of 3 PM on May 5, 2020: - We have 16 Columbia County Residents that have passed away from COVID-19 -260 positive cases of COVID-19 -107 of the 260 cases have recovered from COVID-19 - 9 of the positive cases are hospitalized, 3 of those hospitalized are in the ICU -We have received 1,719 test results completed for Columbia County … {Read more...}