May 11, 2021 Update


Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Chairman’s press release COVID-19 INFECTIONS ‘PERSIST’ As of midday Tuesday, the Columbia County Department of Health had recorded seven new positive cases of COVID-19. There were eight cases combined for Sunday and Monday, and 15 cases Saturday. There are currently three county residents hospitalized as a result of the virus. County DOH Director Jack Mabb said … {Read more...}

Columbia County Environmental Management Council’s 2021 Good Earthkeeping Award Nominations


Columbia County Environmental Management Council's 2021 Good Earthkeeping Award The Columbia County EMC established the Good Earthkeeping Award in 1982 to acknowledge and commend county residents, groups and/or businesses that have made a real contribution to the conservation, preservation, improvement or facilitation of a better understanding of our environment. The contribution must have … {Read more...}

Help Needed to Create a Gallatin Business Directory


The Town of Gallatin would like to create a business directory for all of the businesses located in Gallatin and businesses owned by Gallatin residents, and we need your help! We are looking for several individuals to help create this list. The tasks will include: seeking out and confirming businesses, categorizing, organizing and interacting with our local business owners to make sure the work … {Read more...}

May 7, 2021 Update

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Friday, May 7, 2021 From the Columbia County Board of Supervisors CHAIRMAN’S PRESS RELEASE COUNTY VAX 2nd DOSE RETURN RATE ‘UNIQUE’ As of midday Friday, the Columbia County Department of Health had recorded eight new positive cases of COVID19. There were 10 new cases on Wednesday, and 14 cases Thursday. There are currently no county residents hospitalized as a result of the … {Read more...}