The document shredding bins are available at the Gallatin Town Hall Mondays and Fridays from 9-2 and Saturdays 9-12 from March 10-March 21


The document shredding bins are available at the Gallatin Town Hall Mondays and Fridays from 9-2 and Saturdays 9-12 from March 10-March 21.   For more information    518-398-7519 or [email protected] The Columbia County KISS Program is once again available to seniors in every town in Columbia County. The KISS Program, founded by Columbia County Clerk Holly Tanner, stands … {Read more...}

Amphibian Migrations and Road Crossings (AM&RC) Project


Dear Gallatin Neighbor: Gallatin’s Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) is inviting you to participate in the Amphibian Migrations and Road Crossings (AM&RC) Project, part of the Hudson River Estuary Program, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The forests of Gallatin - and we have a lot of them - are inhabited by a group of amphibians that winter in the ground among our … {Read more...}

Public Input Wanted on Zoning Topics


Dear Gallatin Residents, Please find attached a draft letter to our town zoning attorney working on the amendments to our current law.  The draft contains the main topics discussed by the board in the last year, but not the actual detail  of each zoning clause that will be amended. We are seeking resident input on the letter or any other aspects of zoning you may want to bring up if you have … {Read more...}